Interesting Chicken Breeds

Their eggs are few and small but the Buttercup hen is a dependable layer. All experts do not agree, however, about this breed as a pet. Some experts recommend it as a pet because of its curiosity and friendliness.
The buttercup chicken, also known as the Sicilian Buttercup, was developed in the 1800's in Sicily. It is reported that one female and one male were imported to the US later in that century and today's line remain the direct descendants of the original couple. This line of chicken is rare, beautiful and exhibition worthy, a life-long layer and a pretty good pet.

It is a good layer although the eggs are reportedly small in size and few in number. There seems to be some controversy, however, surrounding the topic of keeping the Sicilian buttercup chicken as a pet. Some experts claim it makes a good pet because it can be very friendly and curious.

Some experts agree that while this type of chicken is somewhat friendly, it is quite active and flies well; therefore, it prefers its independence. A third group of experts offer that this breed goes out of its way to avoid human contact. They concur, however that a baby chick can be trained to enjoy human contact.

Chicks seem to be limited in numbers but are available from several hatcheries which can be accessed online. Experts and owners agree that males tend to be friendlier than females. Generally, the breed does not like to be confined and will enjoy human company when provided with a warm habitat and outdoor areas to roam and fly.

A warm coop will protect this bird's unique comb from frostbite and the comb is very sensitive to cold. It is specifically because of its unique crown-like shaped comb and its golden-toned feathers that the breed has acquired its name.

Its golden feathers and stunning crown make the buttercup chicken an attractive bird and therefore renders it as a definite prize-winner at exhibitions. The variety was admitted to the "American Poultry Association Standard of Perfection" in 1918. The hen has lovely brown spots or "spangles" in long rows running along golden or amber colored feathers. The males sport dark green tails and their feathers range from dark orange to golden-red spotted with black "spangles".

It is stated that the hens will mature early and start laying when they are 5 months old. The hens are not very productive but will lay an average of 2 eggs per week for their entire life. Again, there seems to be some controversy amongst experts regarding the appearance of the eggs as well. Some claim that they are white and lean toward the small size. Others claim that the eggs have a tint or hew to them.

It might seem odd, to some, think of chickens as pets. Granted, even the name, chicken, tickles the funny bone and many people will find the thought of it funny. However, chickens are a good choice as a pet if they are given adequate living quarters and sufficient area outdoors where they can fly, lay in the sun, walk, peck and scratch. They are definitely not the sort to be confined indoors.

Some Buttercup chicken can be very engaging and they are, as a breed, very entertaining. The odd few might be willing learn to sit in one's lap. When hand-raised from newborn chicks, they will learn how to respond to their name, eat out of one's hand and even allow themselves to be cuddled or stroked. Like any pet, chickens respond well to rewards of food and positive reinforcement.

A Buttercup chicken can become a fun and intriguing pet when raised in a warm, clean environment. Since they lay only two eggs weekly, depending on this breed as a source of food wouldn't be the wisest choice. As a pet, however, a buttercup chicken is gorgeous and intriguing to look at, entertaining, great company and certainly makes for an unique conversation piece.

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